catholic school
© copyright 2014 st. casimir school
see if your child qualifies for financial aid.indiana residents click hereillinois residents click here
4329 cameron avenue hammond, in 46327
saint casimir school
is ranked a
blue ribbon school
by the
u.s. department of education
by the
indiana department of education

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welcome to st. casimir catholic school
serving christ's students through faith and knowledge
in the event of severe weather, school families can access emergency closing information in the following manner:

fast direct
log onto your fast direct account to check for messages from the principal.

school reach phone message
wait to receive an automated phone message from the school office to the phone numbers you provided at the beginning of the school year.

online at emergency closing center
if you have internet access you can visit:
school emergency closing information
to see if the school is listed as closed. you can also sign up for email notifications from this website which will automatically be sent to you if the school is listed with closing information.

tv and radio
school closing information provided to emergency closing center is used by all local television stations and broadcasted as a scrolling message during their morning local news programs.

radio listeners can tune into the following stations which will be provided with our school closing information:
1230 am - wjob
1500 am - wake radio
105.5 fm - indiana 105
107.1 fm - the z-107.1
find the latest news here
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